On time
Why I wake up in the morning.

My fascination with time.
The ancients worshiped it like a god.
Where is time? Is it in the minutes and the hours or the sensations in the mind.
To greet a brand new day. There’s something liberating about saying, “I am awakened.”
Why I look forward to waking up in the morning? The answer is annoyingly simple.
Because I have activities that I look forward to do.
I wasn’t always an optimist so I know how this looks like to the pessimist. Optimism is timeless and focused on maximising choices. Savouring the world. Pessimism is time bound and focused on dwindling choices. Saving the world.
I haven’t seen it all, but I have seen the two extremes.
Staying up late is a symptom of dreading the next day. Sleeping early is a symptom of wanting to usher in the next day.
It’s so ironic because sleep is like death in so many ways. We lose consciousness and who emerges from that slumber is up for debate.
The ones who hate their lives are so resistant to going to sleep. I understand that it is not out of their free will. Insomnia definitely exists.
The ones who are at peace with themselves are the deepest sleepers.
Chronic latecomers
Treating lateness as disrespect or an unchangeable character flaw. It has an excessive judgemental tone to it that I disapprove of.
Let me offer an alternative explanation.
We started growing crops, because going hunting was a pain.
We dug wells, because going all the way to the river was a pain.
We are driven by our pain avoidance.
They enjoy the thrill of racing the clock.
The adrenaline rush to chase away the perpetual permeating boredom.
The punishment only makes that hit even harder when they know what’s at stake.
I’ll like to practice some empathy because we all know how much boredom can hurt.
Status games
If you’re the most important person, it makes sense that your time is the most valuable. It acceptable that those who are of higher status, to be late.
The ones that are early are the ones that want to be there. Lesser beings that give more time for acceptance.
The ones that are on time are the ones that need to be there. Obligation and duty bound.
And the ones that are late, don’t care. They have the upper hand and the power to negotiate.
I know the game that is usually played, but my preferred way is to toss it out the window.
My mindset. I’ll be where I need to be. Early, because I care.
Being early feels like laying an ambush so I’m in control.
Instead of a valiant soldier rushing into the heat of battle or an esteemed guest arriving to a grand event.
I rather be the one waiting for them to enter my domain. Slow, calculated and strategic.
And I’ll take my time, so I can make the most of it.
Why time management a fundamental metric of goodness.
Time is a common resource.
What we achieve in this life boils down to resource management and how we choose to use it.
Time for some gaming analogies. We all have 1 stat point to put into to a skill or an activity.
We can either have 10000 hours in singing, 10000 hours in writing, 10000 hours in any activity you can think of.
And we’ll be level 100 in those skills.
We are all granted the same amount of time each day and as a result.
Intention matters.
The one that doesn’t care what car they drive, will not be able to beat the one who does.
Your precision and accuracy influences your impact in any realm of human endeavour.
We need enough time to bring certain projects to completion.
Always commit more than you are comfortable with.
But always less than your theoretical limit.
Let emotions be your lower bound, and reality be your upper bound on what you can do.
Budgeting your time is important, so that you are in alignment with your priorities
Make it easy on yourself to do the right things at the right times
How to be on time
Buffer time is important.
I budget 10% buffer time for travelling and the activities themselves.
I have adopted the “six alarm” system to assist in anchoring my time to vital activities.
Humans are creatures of habit, so let’s make an effort to tame the animal within us.
I have picked a few times for an alarm, that suits the cadence of my life.
5.30am to wake up while it’s still cool and dark. Loosening up my joints after being stationary for hours always feel good.
7am to take a shower. Shower thoughts are always an enjoyable time, singing in the shower optional.
12.15pm/4.30pm It depends which day it is but it’s either a short walk or a stretching break. depends on time allows for it
8pm Time to get online to catch up with friends and some light exercise in as well
9.30pm Cleaning up to get ready to bed, cooling down for the day and journalling.
The goal is to keep tempo with ourselves.
Remember that the most common advice is “Do what works for you.”
It’s different from do whatever you want.
The main takeaways are early people are optimistic.
Latecomers are detached.
Having fun is important.
A rhythm to life vital for the ethical person.