Finger on the Pulse
One fundamental principle stands out— the rhythm of expansion and contraction. A ubiquitous force that shapes our understanding and actions.

Fuelling the Creative Fire
The foundation is laid with an eagerness to explore possibilities and embrace quantity. Here, the aim is not only to collect data but to immerse oneself in the richness of diverse viewpoints. The creative fire fuelled by exposing the mind to concepts and information
The aim is to cast a wide net. Capturing the essence of different viewpoints and cultivating a reservoir of ideas. Conversations with peers, mentors, and experts. The exchange of ideas and perspectives helps in broadening understanding and insights.
Theory crafting
During this phase, analyse data. Form theories that seek to explain the observed patterns. A heightened awareness of correlations and trends will serve you well. These theories provide a framework for understanding the underlying structure.
Some patterns align with pre-existing theories, providing validation and reinforcing existing mental models. However, others may challenge these theories, leading to a necessary reevaluation.
The theory phase is brought about due to the increasing complexity of data. It’s a transformative stage where chaos begins to give way to order.
Simplifying the Complex
The intricacies of identified patterns can become burdensome. The mind seeks a way to streamline the information and distill it into more manageable forms.
Mental shortcuts or rules of thumb that enable more efficient decision-making. This simplification process is crucial for navigating complexities and reducing cognitive load.
A contest between precision and efficiency.
We construct rules governing how things should work. These rules may be arbitrary, representing simplified understandings of complex phenomena. They improve through repeated application and testing.
The need for contraction is often driven by practical considerations. When the rubber hit the road so to speak.
Mental overhead, the cognitive burden of processing vast amounts of information, requires management.
The rules formed serve as a foundation for performing within the boundaries set. Expectations of certain outcomes, if a situation aligns with the established rules. This predictive quality allows for a level of anticipatory action and strategic decision-making.
The ultimate aim is to achieve efficiency without compromising quality. Established rules enable individuals to navigate complex situations. Reducing the need for constant reassessment and decision-making from scratch.
Over time, the rules formed become pillars of stability. Representing a dependable framework that individuals can turn to when faced with uncertainties.
A potential hazard looms. Establishing reliable rules and frameworks can unfortunately lead to a state of complacency. Becoming too reliant on established methods.
The comfort of stability risks inhibiting growth.
Finding solace in the predictability of outcomes when adhering to guidelines. This comfort often stems from the efficiency and reliability generated.
This gives rise to risk aversion and a resistance to change. The rules that once propelled success can become barriers to innovation and adaptation.
Complacency will create a false sense of invulnerability.
But as we all know, humans are squishy little things.
Closing the loop
Deciding when to begin anew requires a delicate balance. Choosing between the comfort and the evolving circumstances. "Shoshin" (初心) is a concept that I found to be the missing link for me. Integrating the Japanese philosophy of approaching everything with a beginner's mindset.
Embrace feedback with humility and a desire to grow. The wisdom of beginners often lies in their receptivity to feedback. The willingness to try new things.
If you are unable to explain your strategy, it is a symptom of a more sinister problem. A mismatch between strategies and goals.
Remember that this journey is a path that might seem to go round and round in circles. That is a good thing, because an end means death.
Until next time.